Grocery stores in the old days : The Ramblings of a Rumpled Robersonian

Grocery stores in the old days

by Tommy Roberson on 10/08/21

In the early 1950s, there was only one major grocery store in Robersonville and it was located on Main Street. Additionally, there were also several small grocery stores scattered around town. These stores, while offering less goods and services than the Main Street store, did offer convenience and/or filled an ethnic niche. My dad ran one such store for a while in a building on Rail Road Street, a building which his father had had constructed. Although a minor at the time, I “clerked” part time for my dad from time-to-time. Ironically, years later, my cousins Harry Clayton and Edgar opened a grocery store in the same building and I worked part time for them the year I spent in Robersonville between tours in the Air Force. In a related footnote, I worked at the Main Street grocery store as an assistant in the meat department during my high school years.

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